Robert Rauschenberg Foundation: Artist as Activist Fellows Orientation

Robert Rauschenberg Foundation
Artist as Activist Fellows Orientation

Wednesday, June 24, 2015 - 8:30am to 6pm
Thursday, June 25, 2015 - 8:30am to 5pm


[Image Description: A black and white photograph of a group of eight people, who are standing together and smiling in an urban setting.]

In 2014, the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation announced the creation of the Artist as Activist program, which provides game-changing resources to artists, designers, and other creative professionals addressing important global challenges through their creative practice. 

As part of a week-long gathering of its inaugural cohort of Artist as Activist Fellows, the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation brought the group to The 8th Floor to meet with thought leaders from across the country. Together they explored the intersections of art and activism, the resources available for this kind of work, and the best ways to maximize the opportunity each fellow’s project provides for substantive, positive change. 

To learn more about the Activist as Activist program and the 2015 cohort of Artist as Activist Fellows, visit: